Birth Control
Cover art by Shay Pietila
Research by: Dahyun Kim
Music By: Angelle Waltz
Audio engineering by: Maritza Espinoza
Recorded voices: Zoe Waters, Bethany C., London Allen
Published: July 14th, 2022
Do you like having sex but don't want to have a baby? Well, so do most people. However, birth control can be... a lot. Between all of the pills, patches, and IUDs, how can you possibly know the best option? Plus there are a hundred side effects to consider and doctor visits to worry about. It can be hard to tell where you are even supposed to start.
So, before you head down that rabbit hole, sit back with some Lemon-Aid. In this episode of Squirt, NB breaks down the basics of birth control as well as some of the pros and cons of each type.
Planned Parenthood Birth Control Info
Collection of Pro Sterilization Doctors
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Content Warning: Discussions of sensitive topics including sexual violence, child birth, and various medical practices. Multiple blood mentions.
Transcribed by: Gauri Singh
Zoe: Hey everyone welcome to a brand new episode of Squirt, I’m host Zoe and I’m here with
London: Hey everyone I’m London and I'm very excited for this episode. I’ve got a lot of fun stories, some of mine and some of others. So let's get into it.
Bethany: Hey it’s Bethany and let' talk about not having babies
London: Says the only person with a baby
Bethany: You know what? Fun factoid: It’s something close to like 60% of women who get abortions already have kids. You know mommys are the ones unbabying the most. We’re like fuck we already got one, we know, we’re like no, no more please
Zoe: The strongest birth control that we have, personally at NB, is Bethany explaining her Birth stories.
Bethany: We should have a whole episode about it some day where I’ll just lay out the nitty gritty. Like let me just la out all the gross details
Zoe: Audio birth control coming to you live form nb
Bethany: Want your kids to keep their legs closed? Play this for em
London: No definitely I would die. I saw one video of someone giving birth and that was too much for me. I was like that? Out of my coochie? No thank you.
Zoe: A lot of unnecessary vaginal stretching
Bethany: It is very necessary for me
Zoe: Its unnecessary as fuck for me. It's unnecessary for me, I got a dog and I love my dog, she's right next to me, Elsie I love you.
Bethany: Honestly that's not the part that hurt, well for me, the out the choochi part was nothing, It was the contractions. The contractions felt like murder.
London: I’m not scared of that hurting. Just hearing about the aftercare and people talking about their ripped vaginas. You guys are so brave. No thank you like I don’t even want a kid.
Bethany: Honestly the worst parts are like after. Most doctors in places are total shit to moms. In our country, here in the US we have the highest maternal mortality rate in any other “developed”country. It's like 10x/20x higher.. And it's way worse for black women. And, not that your level of fame should matter but even like Serena Williams.
More coming soon.
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