Science of Attraction in Our Everyday Lives🥼💗

      How do we as people attract things, from love to material things? Nowadays, we can use science to explain the questions we have on a daily basis. How does attraction work? How does it affect our daily lives? And how do we, as people, attract things?🤔

      To better understand how attraction works, we need to understand the law of attraction. The law of attraction is when magnetic frequencies match up and attract things we desire into our lives or experiences. For example, if you wanted a new car, you’d put positive affirmations into the universe to get that car. Using phrases such as “I have,” “I will,” and or “I already have,” will put out energies that will attract that new car you want because you’re already putting out that you own a new car. Other things that help are making vision boards, manifesting, and tracking your progress on a consistent basis. You also have to put in the effort to gain that new car you want and really work for it or whatever you want to gain in your life. 

Law of Attraction

     Even though I have experience with attracting things I want and manifesting, I don’t know it all. However, based on research, here are some good things to keep in mind:

  • The law of attraction works like gravity; it will always have an effect on you whether you believe it's valid or not. Your thoughts create your reality. 

  • Positive attracts positive, while negative attracts negative. It all depends on your mindset. 

  • Albert Einstein's Relativity Theory showed how atomic energy vibrates at different rates, and the equation E=mc^2 proves that matter and energy are 2 sides of the same thing. 

  • Energies vibrate at different frequencies making up our universe, and every atom within our physical bodies, vibrates at specific frequencies.

  • Since we’re made up of the same energy as the things that surround us, we can assume that intelligence—which is an invisible consciousness—exists within us.

  • Experiences we have are controlled by our conscious and unconscious minds. 

  • We have the ability to manifest any potential future that we choose to attract. 

  • The ability lies within each of our minds and within the universal mind.

  • 3 steps can be imagining what you want, acting as if you already have what you desire, and behaving in a manner that will allow you to attract this positive energy; be optimistic.

     These are all the simple ways you can understand how the law of attraction works in our lives. Now that you have a clear understanding of one type of attraction, we can move on to the next type—love attraction. How do we attract love, and how does it work? 

Love Attraction

      To understand this, we have to know where the attraction starts. After researching, I found that love and attraction start in the mind, not the heart. The same goes for other emotions we feel; they arise from the mind. The three categories that love can be broken down into are attraction, attachment, and lust. Each of these categories has its own hormonal characteristics from the brain.  

  • Lust is connected to Testosterone and Estrogen

  • Attachment is connected to Oxytocin and Vasopressin

        Each of these categories plays a part in different behaviors we have when being attracted to another person. Lust is driven by the desire for sexual satisfaction. This can be for the need to reproduce or physical satisfaction and pleasure. Attraction can be along the lines of a rewarding phenomenon. Attraction doesn’t always have to connect with lust. The chemicals connected to attraction can make a person restless that they’re unable to eat or sleep without thinking about the person they are attracted to. The chemicals are also released when we indulge in activities that make us feel good, hence the rewarding aspect. Lastly, attachment is a factor in long-term relationships. It helps to balance social cordiality, hence the reason it’s nicknamed the “cuddle hormone”; it’s all connected to bonding. 

       After finding out all of these aspects that fall under attraction, it gave me a better understanding of why we feel things and how it all works together. It showed me how we attract things from materialistic to relationships we have. It’s all determined by the mind and energies that help to attract the things we desire. This can all happen consciously or unconsciously and depends on our mindsets. Positive minds attract positive energy, and negative minds attract negative energy. In order for us to see the things we desire in our realities, we must keep a positive and optimistic attitude so that our desires come to fruition.😊

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Written By: Summer Goodine | July 27, 2023

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