Lemon OG:
The Wildly Incomplete
History of Marijuana
Cover by: Bethany C., Model is Maria Martinez
Research by: Bethany C.
Published: June 2nd, 2021
Music by: Angelle Waltz, Remixed by Bethany C.
Audio engineering by: Bethany C.
Recorded voices: Zoe Waters, Bethany C., London Allen
Necessary Behavior lights up and learns about the history of weed. (Does it still count as learning if we are too high to remember anything?) Smoke a bowl with us as we talk about how marijuana gained popularity throughout the world and why it's suddenly considered taboo.
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Transcribed by: Saul Romero
Zoe: Hey everyone my name is Zoe. Welcome to the very first episode of Lemon OG. where we all get really really high and talk about issues regarding weed.
London: Hey everyone I’m London.
Bethany: Hey guys I’m Bethany! And today I’m presenting for you the wild incomplete history of marijuana.
London: yayyy!
Bethany: Now I have to call it that so here’s my, here’s my disclaimer this is for entertainment purposes only. Please do not use this as the source. Some of the sources that I used were really good sources. I had a few like medical journals .gov like history .com but there were also a lot of crap. I had to trudge through. It’s super hard to find because most studies on marijuana are still considered taboot to this day. Some of its getting skipped just because it’s boring as hell and this is a podcast so this won’t be entertaining. And other things are getting skipped because it’s a podcast we can be here for 8 hours. Most importantly we’re kinda just focusing on how it traveled in points in interest in history where it was a big point in influence. What’s everybody smoking people might want to know
London: yea!
Zoe: I’m going to get a brand sponsorship with this one. Um maybe maybe, I am drinking the not even drinking I’m fucking smoking omg ok, I am sucking on the browno ####### and if I remember correctly I think it’s like banana pie flavor. I could be wrong that what I’m sucking.
London: Ok um I don’t remember what I’m smoking right now. But I have a little joint so yea that’s what I’m smokin on.
Bethany: yea I got myself a little preroll too it’s a golani it’s like rolled in keef.
London: I love it, I love it great.
Bethany: ok first things first all the historians are just fucking arguing with each other about everything. Every article I read was we think this but these people don’t agree with it. Most of it opinions a lot of this information was wiped out by colonialism. India for example had a super rich marijuana culture and Britain came through. You lose a lot of history that way when people come and take over. So what is marijuana, you all know what marijuana is. Ima tell you what it i s anyway. Cannabis also known as marijuana is a psychoactive drug from the cannabis plant used primarily for medical and recreational purposes. Plant wise it originally grows off of the tibet plateau in China. It is split into sativa and indica typically um hold on give me a minute guys I’m still kinda high.
London: I love it
Zoe: I love that you're taking this on cuz I’m like yes I’m learning so much. I love this lesson.
Bethany: So people typically think indica strains are specifically sedating while sativa are energizing and hybrid are between the two. This isn’t actually always true sativa and indica actually have more to do with ##%. Sativa has the long little skinny leaf and indica had the big fat one and the side effects aren’t actually always necessarily split into those two. Side effects include euphoria, altered state of mind and sense of time difficulty concentrating, impaired short term memory and body movement, relaxation and increase in appetite. At high doses mental effects can include anxiety, delusions, hallucinations, panic, paranoia and psychosis. The cdc says fatal overdose is highly unlikely but it’s still important to take care of ourselves don’t smoke too much because it’s straining on our body. We got some words to know that we’re gonna hear some of them are just different synonyms for marijuana like weed, pot, dope although I’m not gonna use that one too much. ashish is like the old timey word which you would hear a lot and then ganja more regional, bing is something specific we will get to and I’m sorry to anyone from India if I totally butchered these words I swear to god I looked up how up to pronounce them at one point but I don’t have any more brain cells. And hemp which is really just fiber and shit like that it’s not really anything that will get you high. And then we’ll talk a little about thc vs cbd despise the more chemical structure. Cbd and thc are different because cbd is just making you high and doesn’t have a psychoactive effect however it does have a great deal of different medical ailments that it treats despite psychoactive what not. usually we use thc to treat pain, muscles spasm, glaucoma, insomnia, low appetite, nausea and anxiety and we use cbd to treat seizures, inflammation, pain, psychosis, ibs, nausea, migrain, depression and anxiety. Ok now that was a little boring shit I swear it’s going to get way more interesting after this. Hopefully this is something interesting potheads of history.
Zoe: Oh I love this!!
Bethany: allegedly some are more allegedly then others um some straight up come out and say yeah I smoke weed I love it however some people had to be more cheek about it. The first pothead of history we have is William Shakespeare the English playwright he worked on Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and he invented English idioms like wild goose chase, heart of gold and green eyed monster are all phrases he invented.
Zoe: somehow it just seems so obvious that Willy shakes would’ve been a pot head.
Bethany: There’s a couple shockers in here I hope, hopefully. So they know for a fact not for a fact but they found a marijuana pipe on his property that tested positive for cannabis. However they can’t officially say William Shakespeare smoked; they could’ve been smoked by somebody else at his house. However I felt like this was really high school argument where’s it's like no my friends left ######. Um the next one we have is Queen Victoria the second longest reigning English monarch known for only being 5 feet tall and popularizing the white wedding dress she started here ruling at only 18 and despite her youth she kept business in England Booming there was an unpresented expansion. Omg I don’t know why sober Bethany thought high Bethany was gonna be able to read these words. That was really sweet of you hunny but you are tripping. There was unpresented expansion and industry building railways, bridges, underground sewers and power distribution network throughout the empire um lots of advances in science, technology and literacy. However despite the sounding like #girlboss during Victoria’s reign Britain expanded the imperial reach doubling in size and compassing Canada Australia India and various possessions of Africa and the South Pacific they just decided to take over the world. We knew Queen Vicky smoked marijuana because it was prescribed to her for menstrual cramps. Next up we have Alcott who is most famous for work Is little women who even had a movie recently. Alcott was an abolitionist and a feminist and remained unmarried through her life active in women’s suffrage. So Ms Alcott here unlike some of our other buddies is a little less confirmed then others. Alcott never publicly admitted to smoking weed but she wrote a short story called pearls play which is a story about smoking weed and falling in love.
Zoe: Nice!!
Bethany: And she very clearly even states the symptoms in the play like she knew she described it as like everything is calm and lovely no pain no fear of anything and at last I feel like an angel half asleep so obviously she had some pretty positive feelings. She actually even ended the story. The lead character screams heaven blessed hashes if it ends and dreams like this. So you know she never said it but she said it. The next one we have here is Alexandre Dumas he wrote 3 musketeers and the count of Monte Cristo. Alexandre Dumas is interesting because he given the time period it’s very important to mention that he is a black man and his grandmother was a slave and that’s actually her last name he goes by, not his fathers. Dumas was apparently pretty popping with the ladies; he allegedly had up to 40 marital affairs and is described as the most generous large-hearted being in the world. So people loved him like the ladies loved him and his friends loved him. Dumas was actually a member of, ok ima try to say the French one and but ima totally butcher it and ya have the right to laugh, Club des Hashischins it was a club specifically dedicated to the exploration of drug induced experiences mostly weed. The French loved weed man.
Zoe: The French love smoking in general.
Bethany: Yea it was very popular that’s why every time I was looking up like different French artist or French writers it was always like French love smoking weed super fancy and popular. Now I’m going to get to my most controversial so potheads of history Jesus yea that Jesus the evidence it a bit circumstantial not gonna lie. It was very popular in the region at the time but marijuana in each duty %####. There was a group for a while being like the ancient Jewish people use to smoke weed in the ceremonies but they were kinda considered like the Britain group no one took that seriously. Until in 2020 it was announced cannabis residue had been found on the Israel light sanctuary alter at ##### suggesting that cannabis was apart of the Israel light ritual at the time and if it was true given that our buddy went to the school Jesus would have smoked weed at some point.
Zoe: I love pothead Jesus!!
Bethany: Hahahahhaa, you like my picture of ethnically accurate Jesus.
London: Yeah! I was gonna say that I’m very pleased with your photo choice.
Bethany: I want you to know I googled him. At first I even tried to find a funny one of Jesus smoking weed but it was all the blonde blue eyes Jesus and I was like ugh but then I found this really nice one where he very much looks like a middle eastern man. I was like whatever you can still look fancy my man that’s alright.
Zoe: Yea, see some of that stuff I’m not really well versed in the Bible but some of it I’m really just like ya just do not know you know what I mean.
Bethany: It's ok I made bible references for people who are super biblical and they’ll be like what. So one of my friends was like, she cuts hair and she was cutting my hair and she made a joke, what would you do if I just shaved you bald and I was like oh I wouldn’t do anything god will just attack you with a bear, no because there’s a story in the Bible where these children make fun of this bald guy and god sends a bear to maul them. And she was like what like your my most religious friend like what are you talking about? You don’t know this goddamn bible story.
Zoe: They only know the ones that benefit them.
London: yea
Bethany: Like I’m obsessed with Jesus and Christian’s hate it. I'm like did you know Jesus was a socialist and he lived in the Middle East. They Were like oh what should I do when that girl dresses bloody and Jesus was like gouge your eyes out buddy. People don’t like that, oh well.
London: To each their own
Zoe: Can you imagine smoking with Jesus and then dying and you're like hard for you guys like what’s good with you my man. Hahaha
Bethany: If there’s a somewhat Christian afterlife I mean obviously not totally Christian after life because I’m smoking but if there’s a somewhat Christian after life and I meet Jesus up there that’s what ima do let’s roll one up buddy have a seat let’s have a chat you and me.
Zoe: Cmon I brought my own
Bethany: like I had a baggie in my pocket when I kicked the bucket I got you man. Ok alright where are we, weed around the world like I said were really were kinda doing travel we’re going to follow it by region more than anything also most history is written regionally vs like in a timeline it was very hard to find the clear marijuana timeline it was like here’s marijuana history in China here’s marijuana history in India you know. So I’ll hop around a little bit. That's the order we do it in the order it traveled so number 1 marijuana first originated in China on the tibet plateau the first documented use of marijuana maybe is 2700 bc. However this is kinda argued because the document that mentioned marijuana also names the emperor and it’s like not who the emperor was so they really didn’t know if the date was right or the guy was just wrong.
Zoe: Totally had no idea who the emperor was at the time.
Bethany: I mean I was thinking about him. It's 2700 BC all news. I don't know how much information they are spreading out to these people. I don't know how good the news was at this time. However China still maintained the first use of medical marijuana though it had the first use of marijuana anesthetic it was a mixture of marijuana and wine. Which was kinda weird to me but actually we ran into the mixture a couple times. We run into it in Greece and we run into it in the Middle East. So obviously people loved the marijuana wine mixture.
Zoe: I previously loved the marijuana wine mixture and like
Bethany: From the year 140 we were like weed and wine man. Like humans never change, I love it. I have random facts you want to hear them all this Chinese #### this #### I looked all this up I swear the ### describes cannabis ## In China hemp was a huge staple for rope fabric and later on paper. And then when it actually developed it was called a warcrop because the fibers were strong enough to craft like armor that was strong but not super heavy. And then from China we moved into India obviously just through travel and trade waves. Now in India they have bing which is an actual edible form of cannabis all the Indians refer to something called banga and a lot of historians think it’s probably the same thing. A few religious texts banga is mentioned as well as cannabis being an ingredient in something called soma, soma was an intoxicating ritual drink that was highly praised in the ##### which is another ancient text. I swear to god I totally looked all these up. However how I was saying earlier colonialism kinda jumped in then the British parliament acted a tax on bing, ganja and charas which is kinda like ####. And then the tax was intended to reduce cannabis consumption for the sake of the natives' good health and sanity. And then the British came through and fucked Indian and their whole weed culture. Hold on, let me smoke more.
Zoe: I am really excited to hear about Egypt because Egypt is just really cool to me. I really want to go there for whatever reason. I've been infatuated with it since I did a project about Egypt in 5th grade.
London: I feel like Egypt has a really deep history and is part of everything but I don’t know it will be really cool to go though.
Bethany: Oh yea and Egypt weed has like a good little chunk but Egypt was just such a influential
Zoe: Place, hahaha
London: Important piece of history I don’t know.
Bethany: Yea they're very influential on important marijuana history here from both recreational and medical standpoint. That should be kinda obvious because so many like medical things originate in Egypt. So these guys beside china the other big medical marijuana contender have ### scrolls the oldest complete medical book written about 1500 BC. It describes the airs most popular medicinal remedies and I actually have an old timey weed medicine recipe for you guys in case you like home remedie time. It’s just called formula number 821 so cannabis was to be, oh my god I totally forgot which fucking formula I saved for you guys I saved a fucking vagina formula. So formula 821 was cannabis ground in honey and introduced into the vagina to cool the uterus and eliminate its heat.
London: why would they do that?
Bethany: well so my thought here is the cannabis would probably numb it out a little bit and honey is antibacterial but I still don’t feel like the sugar will be very.
London:Yea isn’t sugar bad like why would you put it.
Bethany: Yea I don’t know, I don’t know
Zoe: That is a hot uterus
Bethany: Like I think like burning I think there talking about a yeast infection because I’m like what else will honey treat, it can treat an infection.
Zoe: That's true actually it makes sense cuz it would feel hot.
Bethany: And also remember it’s a 2 English translation as well so I don’t know what word they actually used it might’ve been more accurate in their actual Language. Don’t put honey in your vagina guys, please can you guys imagine we’re going to get a phone call from a lawyer later. Well, someone’s child decided this will cure their yeast infection now you're being sued.
London: Ok but why is someone’s child here
Zoe: That’s because we have shit sex ed.
Bethany: Because parents don’t monitor their children’s screen time at all.
London: yeah that’s true
Bethany: Or they do it too much, sorry you guys I’m not saying parents should monitor their parents shit. I very much believe that children should be given a certain amount of freedom especially like teenagers by that age they should know their own personal boundaries or you know whatever that’s just know your kids educated when you send them to out to the interweb I mean more like the little guys, like some child is going to listen to some horrible thing and we’re going to get sued cuz I hope a teenager wouldn’t stick honey, no matter how old you are please don’t stick honey in your vagina. Or we’re any southern orphis probably would actually probably be the best.
Zoe: Shoving honey anywhere in your body. Just seems like an uncomfortable experience.
Bethany: Oh my gosh. it’s like this one might be too weird and too niche but do you guys like remember like old fanfiction days where it was like what’s the weirdest liquid to use as lube in this scene. Do you guys know what I’m talking about?
Zoe: yea
Bethany: ok thank you Zoe thank your for I was like if I get nothing out of this like I’m gonna be embarrassed for life. But do you guys know what I’m talking about? It's like writing a romance novel. It sounds like a person who’s never interacted with a real human bean before. And it will just be like whatever liquid is nearby is now lube.
Zoe: It’s the stickiness for me, sticky and wet makes mommy upset.
Bethany: Oh my god that’s so ugly
London: Thats so ugly
Zoe: Ya it’s from ICarly.
Bethany: I know but like timing alright doesn’t help your case.
Zoe: no it doesn’t
Bethany: We were talking about weed at one point. Oh I had to stop to repack a bogue this was productive time.
Zoe: oh ok cool cool
Bethany: Sorry my dear listeners. So now we’re talking about what we’re smokin right now. I'm smoking something called butter. It's a hybrid. And I got king Louis wax on top because I realized I had wax and why not.
Bethany: Ok sorry guys back to Egypt. So Pharaohs very often buried with cannabis seed or cannabis flowers most notably was Ramses the second the pharaoh that is most known in the exodus story so you guys know moses like let my people go kart Ledisi the pharaoh that was Ramses well . Probably Ramses the second and he was buried with marijuana. Cannabis was super popular in Egypt for a super long time. People loved it. It was a great time for the culture especially typically because more in the Middle East overall in ancient Islam it wasn’t directly outlawed but I don’t know what’s the modern sentiment on it is but the ancient sentiment was that weed was ok. So it was very popular in the middle eastern time and then very popular with Egyptian pharaohs as well, however racism stepped in. In 1253 #### were newer to the area and they were openly growing marijuana in Cairo then the government claimed they were a threat to society, they raided their farms and destroyed all their crops. It was outlawed for them to own land However they made deals with the farmers in the Nile river valley and we’re growing marijuana on others people's farm land. You know renting space that makes sense. Well, then they realize they can’t stop them from growing on other people land so they just outlawed marijuana. it went from being super popular. Everybody smokes, and now authorities are destroying entire farms in farming villages being burned to the ground, farmers were imprisoned or executed and from this point on hashish users had all their teeth pulled out.
Zoe:Oh my God.
Bethany: Yeah and this continued for centuries. Ok so now we’re going to talk a little bit about about marijuana travel through the Middle East through Africa. There’s not actually a great deal of information on this, Christian imperialism and such we fucked history for a lot of those regions. A lot of it is just not studied too. It was really hard to just even find an article that was written on marijuana in Africa and I wasn’t even going down to specific countries like anywhere in the continent like the whole continent. And the only country in Africa that was ever mentioned was Egypt. So it’s most likely that the banshee settlers introduced cannabis into Southern Africa as they were migrating southwards; they were smoking pipes uncovered in Ethiopia around 1320 A.D that were found to have traces of cannabis. it was already popular news in South Africa by the indigenous %### sorry and indicated in 1652. By the 1850s Swahili traders carried cannabis from the East coast of Africa to the Congo basin in the west. Thanks Christian imperialism you really that’s all I really got. And then it travels into Europe. I need to take a hit. So cannabis most likely traveled into Europia the young Nia culture, which is European they actually come from era of Europeans their called proto ### Europeans, so I’m assuming that means they moved in from like east and they moved westward into Europe is what I’m assuming that means I totally read all that information at some point it not happening. Sober Bethany really had high hopes for me. I did take a note for it haha it’s a little unclear where the culture came from, famous for domesticating a horse. A great deal of dna lineage comes from these people. I didn’t write it here but at some point we dug up tombs from the young nia culture that had cannabis flowers and seeds inside so we did know they had it and it did spread through Europe very fast so it’s very likely they were the ones who spread it through Europe. We can also find more information when we get to Greece and Rome we have proof that the Scythians had cannabis during the same time period, but many classical historians refuse to believe Greece or Rome to be part. Academics suspect bias because when you move over to like slightly different fields instead of classical historians we talked to classical anthropologists there much more in the belief they used marijuana in Greece or Rome. But we’re goin to run into Christianity kinda fucked this one again and we have a very Christian view of Greece and Rome and then it didn’t helped that Christianity started booming and they started to wipe out history of naughty naughty things they did and didn’t want people know to know that they did. So thanks Christianity once again that’s really why I wanted to start with Jesus smoking weed because of how many times I’m going to be like and then Christianity said we’re not going to talk about this anymore. Just wanted to show that contrast for some listeners perhaps. Ok marijuana in the Americas so it is a little debated how weed got over here from China many argued that it was brought by the spaniards into Chile around 1545 to and we also have a claim that Samuel Chaplin brought hemp into Nova Scotia but we don’t actually really know a lot of historians actually think that opinion is very European centric and very white centric and much more based and bias then reality because it was much more likely that the Chinese or China it was much more likely that the Chinese crossed over the bearings straight and brought us weed verses of a jillion years later when the Europeans got here also it was said that they did run into a version of hemp when they got here it just wasn’t as good or strong so they brought their hemp over to breed. So there was signs of cannabis in the region already but they still like to say it was brought over by the Spaniards and the French so you know they came over and there were people here and they were like it’s undiscovered.
Zoe: Nice!
Bethany: OK now we’re gonna jump a little more modern because I actually figured this might be a tad more interesting like kind of where people stand now. Where are we now so we gotta talk about the war on drugs now the war on drugs is largely a US thing however Mexico and the different South American countries have hopped in on it although, for the most part, Americans hate it all the South American countries hate it too like it pulls very low in all the countries except Mexico it stills pulls well in Mexico and I don’t actually know if that really matters public opinion and I don’t know how accurate Mexico polling is I don’t know I know America polling isn’t that accurate sometimes. For the most part it is considered by citizens to be a big failure. First we run into our dude here. Nixon it’s all his fault he started the war on drugs. It was mostly for pr reasons I did a little research on war on drugs when I thought that was gonna be what our episode was. And pretty much he said we can outlaw being against the war we can’t outlaw black people so let’s just outlaw these drugs and target those communities. The actual definition of war on drugs is a global campaign led by the us federal government of drugs prohibitions military aid and military intervention with the aim of reducing illegal drug trade in the United States. So despite it being a global campaign it is just US trying to control the globe. And don’t ignore the military aid and intervention line. Honestly I don’t even have time to go onto the whole war on drugs. I just wanted to touch on it because it does actually impact several more countries we tried to bring to the UN a lot of ugliness. So one thing I wanted to discuss before we get into where we are now is decriminalization vs legalization. So legalization of cannabis is the process of removing all legal prohibitions against it. Decriminalization is the act of removing criminal sanction. Decriminalization means it would remain illegal but the legal system wouldn’t prosecute a person for possession under a specified amount instead the penalty would range from no penalties at all, drug education or drug treatment. Ok so I just used some fun little examples here I just picked countries so it’s illegal in Afghanistan even for medical use. It’s illegal in Lithuania, except for medical use and New Zealand it’s illegal as well. Which is weird that one weirded me out I thought New Zealand loved to push themselves as progressive and liberal then I’m like what New Zealand doesn’t even have marijuana. And then Russia has no weed too. Now decriminalized now In all of these states medical use is legalized but just decriminalized is just Argentina, Israel, Portugal and Luxembourg. And it’s straight up legalized in canada, South Africa, Uruguay and the country of Georgia. The end, did you learn anything? Are you sober enough to remember anything that you learned?
Zoe: Yes, I learned so much. Actually That was most of I did know a lot of it before we got into it, so I think that’s super helpful and now I can educate others on the history of marijuana.
Bethany: Yea and this is very much a starting point a great deal of like the articles that were written about you have to pay like $120 to read and there’s only like 3 anyways.
London: lame, that sucks
Zoe: I learned, hold on oh my gosh I can’t stop yawning. I learned that there is a lot of just misconceptions I mean I feel like i already knew early was presumptuous of the fact that like there is not a lot to be studied and probably a lot of like cover-up, thanks colonization so yea that was not really a super big surprise to me but I think how prominent it was very pretty surprising.
Bethany: Yeah, pretty much every country term from pro marijuana to anti-marijuana like over and over again it was to discriminate against this group to discriminate against that group to target this group or that group. And I was not kidding like every single country. Sure, you know that but to actually sit there and compare page after page after page of information that’s like yea we don’t know because of Christianity yea we don’t know because of the British empire yeah we don’t know because of the Spanish empire you know.
Zoe: like the amount of things that were probably sharpied out like big text.
Bethany: Mhm, and you know what I really looked for Native American marijuana history but when I looked it was kinda all like hokey it didn’t feel like it had a real legitimate source behind it as much as it just was shamanism.
Zoe: Right.
Bethany: I don’t know maybe in those fancier articles I have to pay for it’s a little more fleshed out. But as far as Lemans available information there's just nothing.
Zoe: yea and I think it just goes to show too even now access to information is still being gate capped and like not shared you know or at least shared with a specific amount of people.
Bethany: There was a really cool article, people. It was one of the few articles that I actually found that were both peer reviewed and available for free about marijuana and Greece. Having all those things in one place is like magic. He even talks about how there’s like very Christian bias in the classical field and he said like there’s no reason to believe that the Greeks and the Romans were not using weed like when countries or cultures next door actively were, were big parts of the culture. It didn’t line up with how humans actually behave, it lined up more with their own perception of reality. It’s like yea even if it was a Christian culture technically Americas a Christian culture too but it’s like you still have 1 million people here who aren’t Christian and you still have another million Christians who are going to smoke weed anyway. yeah and there was kind of like it was kind of a little discussion he even had about information being super unavailable and studies not even being done because they don’t even want to know. But but when you hop into other categories like anthropology apparently their more willing to discuss the possibility of weed and recent route.
Zoe: So wild to me just like, damn we can be sharing some of this information and reducing the stigma around but like nope.
Bethany: And how long did the racist criminalization of weed and hemp how did that really impact our overall global footprint. Because we could’ve grown hemp like that is such a faster more available fiber. And it just has such a smaller environmental impact. And we could’ve and we could’ve been doing this the whole time.
Zoe: Hemp is stronger and like better overall then cotton ever was and for whatever reason we were like no we don’t know hemp it is legal it makes me mad.
Bethany: yea it was always racism too.
Zoe: yeah
Bethany: you know it’s not really that shocking the war on drugs was racist guys.
Zoe: Yeah, I was just think of the dare program like all the other school programs. That's pretty racist you know what I mean.
Bethany: counterproductive is hell. There’s this meme on the interweb dare was like don’t huff paint to get high and they're like wait you can huff paint to get high?
Zoe: yup we had to watch this video and it was like your going to go to a party one day and every one is going to have pills and your going to walk in and bring your strange bottle of pills and then dump it in this candy bowl looking things and everyone will go up and take handfuls of these drugs, I’m like that’s expensive people aren’t that dumb like your not going to fucking do that, no one that I know no one that I don’t know.
Bethany: That’s 1 % parties no regular person
Zoe: Hahaha we're talking to high schoolers here it’s enough for us to match like. There’s something I was going to say that I can’t remember.
Bethany: Hey remember that side effect I listed in like the second slide.
Zoe: I think I do remember that side effect I do yes. um there’s nothin else to talk about oh that’s what I was going to talk about, I was going to talk about dare programs did ya ever get the little suitcase of drugs.
Bethany: What no!
Bethany: Tell me about the suitcase of drugs.
Zoe: It was this briefcase they would open it up and set it up on a table it had every single illegal drug and very clearly labeled so you can identify it.
Bethany:That's so funny
Zoe: It was even like the difference between NyQuil and DayQuil and like all of those things literally it was wild. And I think we even got tested on it. We even had drug dogs come in. It was just for this lesson because they were like this is what a drug dog does. Then they would take a nugget of weed and put it in a school desk and the dog would come in and destroy the desk. But I guess the dog came in and destroyed a person's backpack instead because he had some things and the drug dogs weren’t able to come after that.
Bethany: That’s so funny they weren’t allowed to come, my high school would do fire drills and you know they weren’t really fire drill because they tell you to leave you bag and as your walking out to go do the fire drill the drug dog would come up and so you would know who was prepped for it by who still had their bag because they will go to the bathroom with their backpack and they will be like I just evacuated from the bathroom so they’ll be out with all the kids instead of the drug dogs. It was so stupid like you think kids are that dumb like they figured it out buddy.
Zoe: literally like you might get some people early on just starting school there everyone else no.
Bethany: And it was so funny we had undercover cops and I don’t even think they caught that many people.
Zoe: Because everyone knows they have their go to no one just ask a stranger for drugs.
London: They really did all that and they still did a terrible job on controlling the issue like nobody thought maybe let’s just educate people and see what happens instead they want to hide and be like your going to be at these dramatic parties where everyone is going to be on drugs and their going to ask you to try crack in the bathroom. Like that’s not going to happen.
Zoe: And if you are, that's a raging party you're at.
Bethany: Yeah dude where’s this party I’m not going to try crack but I want to go to a party where they pass around blunts left and right and be like you're not cool if you don’t smoke a blunt and I’m like pass me like ten yea just like double fist it I got it.
Zoe: The scenarios are so wild you know I think it would be really wise like everyone should get a vial of narcan, learn how to use narcan which is for like opioid overdoses then learn how to deal with someone out of their mind. Or just recognize the signs for od. Or even for like like booze or something like recognizing if someone is a little too drunk.
Bethany: Fasho hard drugs are better not to do but if you are just be aware, be aware of yourself be aware of your buddies, buddy system don’t do drugs alone please, if you can have a sober buddy with all your drug buddies that’s gram too.
Zoe: I wish we had better resources for that like it would be so good like in introducing fear based education we're going to make all these kids behave and like and you know you will make kids behave more and share relevant and decent information.
London: like it does nothing to take the information away because then they don’t know then they’ll wanna try it because they don’t know but if they kinda know there like this drug is bad because of this, trust kids to have brains.
Zoe: like they gotta keep themselves and probably get him and not look high so your good, like most kids are ok. I don’t really have anything else to say I just wanted to talk shit on dare, that’s it.
Bethany: hahah
Zoe: Alright thank you for listening super excited for the next couple episodes that are coming up and I’m gonna go finish a bogue then take a nap so I will see you next time, bye.
Bethany: Bye
*Content Warning: Drug use, discussions of racism, and brief sexual content.*
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