Consuming Porn Ethically

Written By: Anonymous | August 6, 2020

Pornhub is the biggest porn site on the internet, with 42 billion visits in 2019 and around 115 million visits per day. The idea of Pornhub is to be a community created porn site, with users being able to upload both pirated professional content and amateur contents to the site, resulting in 6.83 million uploads in 2019 alone.

However, due to this lack of moderation and the sheer amount of content, Pornhub faces incredible problems with revenge porn, exploitation, and trafficking.

A Florida man uploaded almost 60 videos of him having sex with a 15-year-old girl earlier this year. Revenge porn, or porn uploaded without the knowledge of at least one participant, runs rampant on Pornhub. Earlier this year, they were forced to end an official partnership with a company who uploaded videos of more than 100 girls who had either been exploited or trafficked. 

Using Pornhub would be supporting a system that not only preys on vulnerable women, but has a known problem with underage content. If you want to keep consuming porn, there are a variety of ways to do so more ethically.

  1. Pay for OnlyFans or another form of exclusive content. On websites like OnlyFans, content is uploaded by the creators exclusively. They get to choose prices and the content that they post. OnlyFans creators receive around 80% of the money (with the other 20% going to OnlyFans for things like hosting and support). OnlyFans not only provides more money to the creators than Pornhub, but it also provides more control over what gets posted. 

  2. Watch female directed porn. Porn is a male dominated industry and almost always has been. But with the rise of the internet, we are seeing more female directed porn, which often focuses on female pleasure and more than one dimensional characters. For free porn, hosts a variety of female centered porn. and provide pay-per-view porn. To casual porn viewers, paying may sound crazy. But both websites offer varying levels of subscriptions. You can also be assured that actors and actresses are getting paid fairly.

  3. Read written porn on websites like Literotica. The upside to written porn is that you know that no actors are underpaid or taken advantage of. Along with this, many people on Literotica write simply because they like writing erotica. You can also buy erotica on Amazon where the writer will receive the profit. 

  4. Look at porn on Reddit-but tread carefully. After porn was banned on Tumblr, many people moved to Reddit to post erotic gifs, videos, and pictures. Subreddits like r/gonewild or r/amateur encourage the reddit community to post pictures of themselves. However, the downside to Reddit are there are many subreddits that focus on degrading or outright horrific content. Reddit can carry the same problems as Pornhub, except each subreddit often comes with its own moderators, so there is the hope that unwanted content can be taken down quicker. Along with this, some subreddits rely on people who want to upload content because they enjoy it

Many people scoff at the idea of paying for porn when so many free porn sites exist. The truth is, if you want to truly know whether the actors you are watching are getting paid fairly and treated well, you have to pay for porn. Although free porn exists, you still run the risk of wondering if actors are being treated fairly for their contribution.

In its essence, nothing is wrong with consuming porn. Sex work shouldn’t be taboo and there is absolutely nothing wrong with supporting people who pursue sex work. However, being aware of where you get your porn ensures that sex workers are protected, supported, and you are allowed to consume porn guilt free.


Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash


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